
YouwantyouruserstobeabletoaccesstheirhomedirectoriesontheSambaserver,sotheyalwayshaveaccesstotheirpersonalfiles,nomatterwherethey ...,簡單的說,在samba附的設定的範例中[global]到[homes]之間放的應該有關samba的global參數,而其它的通通是有關資源分享時的設定參數,包括:資源的實體路徑、權限....,...smbconfigfilesfrom/etc/samba/smb.confrlimit_max:increasingrlimit_max(1024)tominimumWindowslimit(16384)P...

Recipe 23.11. Accessing Users' Home Directories in Samba

You want your users to be able to access their home directories on the Samba server, so they always have access to their personal files, no matter where they ...

雄的FreeBSD 筆記‧Samba && 網路芳鄰

簡單的說,在samba 附的設定的範例中[global] 到[homes] 之間放的應該有關samba 的global 參數,而其它的通通是有關資源分享時的設定參數,包括:資源的實體路徑、權限....


... smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384) Processing section [homes] Processing ...

Samba: How to prevent Samba-server from auto

2018年1月19日 — Like described here, Samba -servers on Linux provide the users /home -directory as a shared-folder automatically. How can I prevent this ...

How-to: Samba Homes and Shares

2018年9月4日 — By default there's a Samba share for the home directories of each user. This share is configured via the [homes] section in smb.conf .


If a section called [homes] is included in the configuration file, services connecting clients to their home directories can be created on the fly by the server ...

My Cloud Home: Concurrent SMB (Samba) Connections

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Windows User Home Folders

2024年2月1日 — Using Samba, you can share the directories to enable network users to store own files on their home folder on the file server. This ...


2020年6月22日 — samba配置共享用户home目录 转载 · 1. 先要安装samba · 2. 编辑Samba配置文件 · 3. 重启samba服务: · 4. 增加一个现有用户的对应samba帐号: · 5. 现在 ...

Using the [homes] Share in Samba

2011年7月13日 — It is different from a normal classic share: * %S is used to represent the name of the remote user. * %S is replaced by the remote user's name ...